Chlorophyll is the fastest way for our bodies to absorb the supreme energy from the sun. Amazingly chlorophyll is very similar to the make up of human blood. The only real difference is that the central atom is magnesium and our blood's is iron. This fascinating green plant food has been proven to repair human tissue, neutralize pollution, carry oxygen to cells, neutralize free radicals, it has antimutagenic and anti-carcinogenic properties, plus adds a ton vitamins to our diet.
I am very interested in the work of Victoria Boutenko and especially in her book Green for Life. She questions why the human diet shouldn't be more like that of our closest relative in the animal kingdom, the primates. Boutenko even worked with Jane Goodall in her extensive research. The one problem with eating a diet like a chimp or gorilla is that they eat for more than six hours a day in order to digest enough calories from fruit and greens. Here is where the "green smoothie" was born. We can easily consume 2-3 cups of greens when they are blended with fruit into a delicious smoothie. Not only can we pack the nutrients in, but they taste fantastic.
I start my day off with a huge green smoothie and feel nourished and fulfilled! There are endless combinations of fruit and greens so they never get boring. I'll add seeds and super foods some days for protein and anti-oxidants. I make sure to have my evening meal by six p.m. and try not to snack after that. A person can lose ten extra pounds if they do nothing else but stop eating by six p.m. In the early morning I drink a few liters of water before and during my yoga and I'm not hungry for my smoothie until around 11:00, this way my body has plenty of time for proper digestion and detoxification.
I get so excited over the many varieties and possibilities of green smoothies. When I make a really good one it's almost an erotic experience for me! I like to keep the ingredients simple on most days. I love my Vitamix for blending them up super smooth, but if you don't have a high speed blender (add one to your vision board), just be sure to blend your ingredients well.
Here are a couple of my favorite blends:

Quick Fix
1 Banana
2 cups of Kale
1tsp. Sprulina
1tbl. Hemp seeds
1/2 cup Water

Deep Blue C
1 Orange
1 cup Wild Blueberries
2 cups Kale
2 tsp. Sprulina
1/2 cup water
I hope you'll have a green smoothie today and feel the love!