Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Macro-Raw Way to Perfect Health

If you had seen life through my eyes, then we would be walking the same path.

No two people can walk along the very same path. Life experiences bring you to become the person you are today. I am so very grateful for the high and low experiences that have directed me here. In some other (very long) post some other day I will write about what has brought me to this supreme way of eating, but for this one I just want to explain what The Macro-Raw Way is.

The raw food diet is one of fresh, preferably organic, vegetables, fruits, sprouts, nuts and seeds. These foods contain living enzymes that help the body to optimally digest. Raw foods are also filled with life force energy and give the body a feeling of connectedness and clarity. Energy from the sun creates all life on this beautiful planet. Unfortunately our bodies are not able to take that energy directly from the source. Through photosynthesis plants can transform that energy into life. This means that when we eat living green foods, we are consuming that precious energy as close to the source as possible. As a young child I remember learning about photosynthesis in awe! The raw food diet can enable the body to heal, energize, and detoxify.

Macrobiotics is a diet based on whole grains, land and sea vegetables, legumes, and small portions of white fish and condiments. The word macrobiotics comes from the Greek words macro, meaning "large" and bios, meaning "life". Through traditional dietary principals and eating a seasonal balance of yin and yang foods macrobiotics has been proven to heal and bring great wellness and longevity.

Both Raw Foods and Macrobiotics are ways that embrace whole, organic foods along with lifestyle changes that encompass mind, body ,and spirit. Equally important is ones view of food to be of love, nourishment, honor, and respect. When we focus on preparing our meals with care and mindfulness the food will bring superior health to our bodies.

Recently many well known raw foodist have changed their 100% raw food diets to incorporate some lightly cooked vegetables and grains. As they have, I have found a fanatic diet to bring imbalance in health and spirit. Living 100% raw will give super high energy and I know it it the way to heal illness. However, I've found that incorporating about 25% macrobiotic meals to my diet has given me a more grounded and whole way.

I have combined what I love about the Raw Food diet and Macrobiotics to create an ideal way of eating. Through years of research and experimentation I have finally found a magical path to perfect health. With great excitement I will share my ideas and recipes here in the hopes to inspire you to find the joy of your best health!

For more information and details on the Raw Food way check out the works of my favorite raw foodist: Victoria Boutenko, Ani Phyo, David Wolfe, Frederic Patenaude, Cherie Soria

For information and details on Macrobiotic read books by Michio and Aveline Kushi.


  1. "If you had seen life through my eyes, then we would be walking the same path."
    Love this!!

    Beautiful entry and awesome blog! Rock on!!

    Peace & Love, Dayna

    1. Thank you Dayna! I can't tell you how much your support and encouragement means to me!

  2. I love your balanced approach! I had tried macro as well as raw at different times in my life & now consider myself a compassionate, intuitive eater & recently have mostly been juicing & drinking raw protein shakes as that is all my body is wanting is awesome to see you & Dayna's & Barbara all jazzed about raw foods...I had no friends who were into raw years ago when i was into it 100% & it is so much fun to share recipes & ideas :)

    1. Thank you Marcelle! I am so blessed to have wonderful friends to share with! Intuition and compassion in food choices is the key to health! Thanks for connecting!

  3. I missed this session at Life Rocks! but am interested in this- I am glad you have a blog! I am going to read it...starting from the bottom up! :)

    1. Thank you Cindy! I hope you find some interseting information and maybe even some inspiration! Best!
