Continuing to have a clear mind and stay in a place of allowing has brought me opportunities to fulfill my passions in surprising ways in the past few days. These gifts from the universe have reminded me of how important it is to share my passion for the macro-raw vegan life. I have recently received so many stories and compliments of how I have inspired others to change their health and that just blows me away! These people have no idea of the joy they bring to my heart and living in that space of joy has me receiving more than I ever thought possible. I feel immense gratitude for you!
Today I did a lot of hard physical work and had no time or need for formal exercise. I did however go for a short walk in the rain with my daughter. She was excited to find a field of violets in a neighbors yard. She picked many for a vase, many to eat on the walk, and some more to make violet tea. A few were left over to top our banana blueberry ice cream that we created together tonight!
I felt well sustained on juice and smoothies today even though I expended so many calories. I did have a Mindnight Maca this afternoon that helped to give me that little lift. I continue to apply fresh aloe to my skin everyday and have noticed great improvement.
Purple Passion
5 Carrots
5 Stalks of Celery
2 Green Apples
1 Large Beet
My smoothie recipe calls for a bit less, but I filled my Vitamix right to the top with these lovely fresh mustard greens!
Super Green Munster
4 C Mustard Greens
1" Piece Aloe
3 Sun dried Tomatoes
1/2 Lemon Peeled
2 Stalks Celery
1 Tbl. Sesame Seeds
2 Bananas
4 Dates
This is not the smoothie for the "new to green smoothies" person. If you are, you might want to add a few more dates. It's much more of a blended salad taste, which I love, but it's taken me years to find that love for blended salads!

The wonderful dulse in this drink contains at least trace amounts of every known mineral! Dulse also contains an essential enzyme that aids the body in producing energy from sugars. The seaweed is a staple in many of my macrobiotic meals and it's a comfort for me to add it in raw food smoothies and dishes.
Zelda's Frozen Banana Blueberry Ice Cream
4 Frozen Bananas
1 C Frozen Wild Blueberries
1/4 C Hemp(or other nut or seed) Seed Milk
1 Tbl. Raw Honey
Place all ingredients in Vitamix and blend on high. You will need to use the tamper liberally.
Chocolate Sauce is:
Melted Coconut Oil
Raw Cacao
Coconut Nectar