Friday, April 20, 2012

30-Day Challenge Day 7

Today was a busy one here and I'm feeling tired and a bit nauseated tonight. My youngest daughter and I went to one of our group classes this morning. It's a body, mind, health and wellness group called Whole Person. Today we watched "What the #$*! Do We Know!?". It is a very interesting film that explores neurological processes and quantum physics. I highly recommend watching it. The group of us did a wonderfully thoughtful activity that helped me to see that the qualities I find unappealing in others are the very ones I need to work on in myself. After the class we had many errands to run including checking out an arcade for her birthday party. We played and had a good time there. By the time we came back home it was late in the evening and I prepared dinner for the kids and myself. Luckily I had packed plenty of smoothie and fruit for my long day out, but when I got home and made my dinner I felt too full to eat it. I'm wondering why and finding it odd. I had only had one large smoothie in the morning, a few bananas, an apple and some grape tomatoes.
 While out today I spotted fiddleheads at the market. They are one of my favorites and are only available for a few weeks in the early spring. I marinated them with some portobellos, onions and garlic in nama shoyu and flax oil. Then I warmed them for about an hour at 105 in the dehydrator. They smelled delicious! I took one bite and enjoyed the taste, but just felt full and sort of nauseous. I guess I'll have them tomorrow.

Day 7 Smoothie:
Apple Pie
1 C Hemp Seed Milk
1 C Water
2 Apples (cored and sliced)
4 Medjool Dates (pits removed)
2 tsp. Cinnamon
2 C Lambsquaters
Blend and enjoy!

Ellie's Chocolate Hemp Seed Milk
1/2 C Hemp Seeds
4 C Water
1/4 C Raw Cacao
4 Dates (pits removed)
Dash of Vanilla
Blend well in a high-speed.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm...that chocolate milk recipe sounds delicious. I'll have to have the kiddos try it out :-)
