Monday, April 23, 2012

30 Day Challenge Day 10 Shifting

Once you've lived on raw foods for a period of time you begin to shift into a new vibrational existence. The mind clears and allows for new ideas and emotions. This can be so freeing and uplifting on many levels. For me this sort of emotional awakening has brought on such joy and opportunities, but at the same time separation and anxiety. The difficult part is that I open and change so fast that much of my family and friends can not join me or understand my views and feelings. Leading to strained relations and confusing feelings.

I am grateful for the few in my life (you know who you are) that are in this same space and there to share in my growth. Today was a whirlwind of joy! I spent time with dear friends in great discussion. We were in one room pondering the future and discussing our ideas and preparedness for a possible impending shift in the universe for 2012. Our insightful children in another room were implementing a great imaginary scheme of life for community living. After an interesting conversation about if any of us would ever really have the skills to live off the grid and without common commodities, my friends and I checked in on what our children had been up to. The kids had created this immense "eco-village" out of cardboard in the next room, complete with gardens and bartering systems. I was in awe and appreciated that little sign from the universe that the knowledge I may seek is often right in the next room.

Today I did very well on drinking plenty of water, but never fit in the time for exercise. My body is craving a run and I look forward to fulfilling it in the morning. I've yet to run in the rain and it's been rainy here with no signs of clearing for the next few days, so tomorrow I'll give it a try.

I've always had an aversion to the taste of maca. I still throw a scoop of the beneficial Peruvian root powder into a smoothie once in a while, but never enjoyed the odd flavor it adds. This all changed today! Today I found my love for maca. Is it that my super raw clean palate has accepted it or that I have found the way closer to that of our ancient ancestors to prepare it, warm? Two or three articles and recipes about warm maca came across my desk in the past couple of days. Then tonight I chatted with a very interesting raw food chef and he mentioned a warm drink that he makes in the Vitamix. I came home and finally made a warm maca concoction of my own and fell in love with this superfood!

Day 10 Warm Smoothie:

Midnight Maca
2 C Hemp Milk
1 Tbl. Maca
2 Tbl. Raw Cacao
2 Dates
1 Banana
1 tsp. Dried Nettles
1 tsp. Astragalus (potent Chinese antioxidant herb for immune and skin health)
Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend for several minutes to heat. Pour into a large mug and get excited about all the froth! Sprinkle with cinnamon and bask in the benefits!

If you have not tried maca before here are some of the amazing benefits to encourage you.
*Increases energy levels and stamina
*Is an adaptogen
*Improves physical endurance
*Enhances fertility
*Increases oxygen in the blood
*Regulates hormones
*Increases neurotransmitter production
*Reduces adrenal stress
*Improves mood
*Enhances memory and improves learning ability
*An anitcarcinogenic and antioxidant
*Reduces the effects of aging and creates skin glow
*Rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, sodium, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, selenium, bismuth, manganese, tin, silicon, B1, B2, C, and E.
If one was having trouble getting rid of an addiction to coffee, my Midnight Maca is a super substitute! It gives that satisfying warm feeling with so many benefits instead of adrenal stress caused by caffeine.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing your journey with this cleanse. I'm looking forward to trying this warm drink tomorrow morning. I'm still not 100% raw but moving closer & closer every day. It's so much easier with inspiration from blogs like yours.

  2. Inspiring others to add more raw, macro, and superfoods into their lives brings great joy to my heart!
    Thank you for your comment Dana! You inspire me to keeep on blogging!
    Much Love!
